OSL Handler is an AppleScript applet which, after determining that you’re running System 8.0 or later, searches your Extensions folder for a copy of ObjectSupportLib and, if found, offers you—the user—the options of deleting it (recommended), moving it to the Trash, or leaving it alone.
Why do I need it?
ObjectSupportLib is a shared library used by many applications. Prior to the introduction of System 8, it was a separate file which was installed in the Extensions folder. Installers for applications that required ObjectSupportLib often installed a copy, just to make sure it was there.
Beginning with System 8, however, the functionality of ObjectSupportLib was included in the System file. Most installers, though, don’t know this and still install a copy of ObjectSupportLib. Unfortunately, its presence is almost certainly bound to cause problems with your Mac. For instance, you may see the Finder repeatedly load the desktop and be unable to launch any applications. If this happens, you’ll probably find that your Finder preferences file has been corrupted and all settings have reverted to their default values; the only way to get your values to “stick” again is to Trash the Finder preferences file, restart your computer and then set your values. Something of a pain, all because of that one little file.
How do I use it?
OSL Handler may be run at any time by double clicking its icon. However, since most installers which place anything inside the System Folder at least suggest, if not require, that you restart your computer, the best place to put OSL Handler is in the Shutdown Items folder inside the System Folder; that way, it will usually run and check for an ObjectSupportLib just before shutdown or restart.
OSL Handler first checks to see that you are running System 8 or later; if not, you will be presented with the following dialog:
OSL Handler then checks to see if there is a copy of ObjectSupportLib in the Extensions folder; if found, you’ll see the following dialog:
If you choose to “Leave It,” OSL Handler will do so, leaving the copy of ObjectSupportLib in the Extensions folder to wreak havoc on your next restart. This is not recommended!
The “Move to Trash” button will move the copy of ObjectSupportLib to the Trash but will not delete it. Some people have reported that having a copy of ObjectSupportLib anywhere on their start-up drive causes problems, so this, too, is not recommended but certainly better than leaving it in the Extensions folder.
The best solution is to “Delete It,” which is the default.
When you select “Delete It” (either by clicking on the “Delete It” button, or by pressing the <return> or <enter> keys), OSL Handler checks to see if other items might also be in the Trash; if there are, you’ll get the following dialog:
“Leave All” leaves the items in the Trash so that you may handle the items manually. “Delete All” does just that—it empties the Trash.
Finally, since the Shut Down/Restart operation is interrupted if OSL Handler finds a copy of ObjectSupportLib in the Extensions folder, you’ll be presented with the following dialog from which you may choose to shut down, restart, or continue to use your computer:
If you’ve gotten this far, you probably realize by now that OSL Handler requires AppleScript, and that you should only use it with System 8 or later. That’s it.
If you want to test OSL Handler, place a copy of any file (not a folder) in your Extensions folder and rename it “ObjectSupportLib” (without the quotes). Double click on OSL Handler’s icon and, assuming that you’re running System 8 or later, OSL Handler will do its thing.
There are only two that I’m aware of. First, some installers seem to by-pass the normal shutdown routine, such that an item in the Shutdown Items folder won’t be run. Obviously, if OSL Handler isn’t run, it can’t check for a copy of ObjectSupportLib. Fortunately, for me at least, this is a rare occurrence.
The second is more insidious. A friend told me today that he found a copy of ObjectSupportLib in the System Folder rather than in the Extensions folder where it’s supposed to be, and that it was active. I suppose I could have OSL Handler look throughout the System Folder but most people, I suspect, wouldn’t want to wait as long as would be required for such a search.
OSL Handler is being released as shareware. No annoying reminders. No expiration. Just a simple request that you mail $1.00 to me at:
W.S. Mardis
45 Victoria Court
Holland, PA 18966
Not much to ask for a clear conscience, huh?
Legal Disclaimer
I really can’t think of much that could go wrong as a result of use of OSL Handler (unless you save that important document in your Extensions folder with the name, ObjectSupportLib). Still, I cannot be held responsible for anything other than the purchase price—the price YOU paid—should any damage attributable to OSL Handler occur.